Saturday, March 8, 2008

B4Playing Turns Green

Some will say common is it that important but we say YES! This makes sense not only because we help the environment but we also save money and a lot of it. So what have we done to make our company Environmentally Friendly? Here are some of the things we have made:

Turn off lights and equipment – Fid you know that by turning off the lights and the computers we can save 25% of power.

Electronic Communication – This is rather easy, we are an internet company so it is easy for us to make most of our communication via email, messenger, skype or phone.

Minimum Printing & Double Sided Documents Policy – We try to minimize our printing and encourage to do a double sided document printing.

Recycling – We’ve put special recycling bins in the offices and we try to buy and use recycled paper.

And lastly we encourage other to follow on our steps. All of our emails end with a green message: "please consider the environment before printing this e-mail."

So we encourage you to follow our footsteps. If you need any help. Please contact us!

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